Partnership with the CHU of Tuzla - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Published on February 17, 2017 Updated on February 20, 2017
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Capital: Sarajevo                                                  
Population: 3,53 million inhabitants (2013)
Official languages: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
City : Tuzla
Name of the institution: CHU of Tuzla
Project Holders at CHU of Tuzla: Pr. Suada Kapidi Durakovi and Dr Maïda Zoni Imamovi
Project Holders at CHU of Nantes: Pr. Jean-François Mathé and Dr. Marc Le Fort 
(Physical Medicine, Neurological Rehabilitation)

The project

The association “France Médecine Bosnie-Herzégovine (FMBH)” has been present since 1996 with training actions destined to Bosnian health professionals. These actions are focusing on specialized hospital medicine. Three types of actions are led through this association :
  • The twinning implementation between French and Bosnian hospitals;
  • The organization of training seminars for Bosnians health professionals;
  • The accompanying of the Bosnian hospitals for the research of partners hospital and project development for multilateral funding.

A hospital twinning between the CHU de Nantes and the CHU of Tuzla was established under the supervision of the MFBH association in 1997. Formalized by an agreement signed in 2001, it covers physical medicine and neurological rehabilitation. It is supported by the French embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina through MFBH.

Over many years, a number of Bosnian professionals came to Nantes for training purposes and, specialists from Nantes went to Tuzla to train, evaluate, and exchange their know-how and professional practices. These actions have enabled the setting up of a very efficient urodynamics unit. This twinning has also participated in the structuring of a small working group joining health professionals of several Bosnian hospitals.