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Partnership with the Mpimba Prison Bujumbura, Burundi
Published on February 17, 2017 – Updated on February 20, 2017

Capital: Bujumbura
Population: 10,48 million inhabitants (2015)
Official languages: Kirundi and French
City: Bujumbura
Name of the institution : Mpimba Prison
Project holders at Mpimba Prison: SWAA Burundi and the prison’s general management
Project holders at CHU of Nantes: Dr. Bénédicte Bonnet, Dr. Sabelline Bouchez-Perrault, Christelle Supiot, Catherine David, Sandrine Deniaud, Cécile Brunet-François (infectious and tropical diseases department)
Partners: GIP ESTHER, Région des Pays de la Loire
The project
The priorities are: improving prevention, screening, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), tuberculosis and HIV treatment; environmental improvement for the prison staff in contact with HIV/AIDS in-mates; improving prevention of HIV/AIDS mother to child transmissions.
Realizations :
- National Reflection Days on the treatment of in-mates with HIV/AIDS (2010, 2012);
- awareness and screening of new in-mates for HIV, AIDS, STD and tuberculosis;
systematic screening for all new in-mates (April 2011);
- treatment and care after HIV/AIDS screening;
- training support for nurses and peer educators on HIV, STD, tuberculosis, screening and counseling;
- training support for nurses : gynecological care and prevention for mother-to-child transmission;
- information on HIV, tuberculosis, STD screening for the administrative and penitential staff
- supply stocks of drugs and reagents;
- nutritional support for the most disadvantaged HIV/AIDS in-mates;
- networking initiative between the 11 Burundi prisons;
- coordination of local actors involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS;
- coordination of visits for hospitalized in-mates;
- refurbishing of premises and allocation of supplies;
- construction of an infirmary for women.