Partnership with Saint-Charles Hospital - Beirut, Lebanon

Published on February 17, 2017 Updated on February 20, 2017
Country: Lebanon
Capital: Beirut
Population: 5,85 million inhabitants
Official languages: Arabic and French
City: Beirut
Name of the institution: Saint-Charles Hospital
Project holders at Saint-Charles Hospital: Dr. Fadi Abou Mrad, medical director
Project holders at the CHU de Nantes: Pr. Yann Péréon, Head of department of cardiac and neurologic electrophysiology and respiratory function tests

The project
In 2012, a partnership agreement was signed between the CHU de Nantes and the Saint-Charles Hospital in Beirut with the aim to develop exchanges within the neurological and neurophysiological domain as well as the intensive care, anesthetic, cardiologic, biological analysis and functional rehabilitation. This collaboration includes different hospital professions, such as the medical staff, the students, the caregivers and the administrative professions. This collaboration also concerns the organization of communal scientific meetings that take place, more or less on an annual basis.

Signature du partenariat 2012
Signature du partenariat 2012

  • Observational internship by an intensive care nurse in the Thorax Center of the CHU de Nantes;
  • observational internship at the Memory Center of CHU de Nantes by a neuropsychologist who also teaches in the Psychology Department of the Beirut University; 
  • Scientific conferences in Beirut in 2012 and 2014;
  • Practical training of a digestive surgeon in the Digestive Surgery Department at CHU de Nantes.