Partnership with Hospital Yantai Shan - Yantai (province of Shandong), China

Published on February 17, 2017 Updated on February 17, 2017
Country: People's Republic of China
Capital: Beijing
Population: 1,375 billion inhabitants (2015)
Official languages: Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)
City : Yantai (province of Shandong)
Population of Yantai: 1,724 million inhabitants
Name of institution: Yantai Shan Hospital (hospital of the Franco-Chinese friendship)
Project holders at Hospital Yantai Shan: Hospital’s general management
Project holders at CHU of Nantes: Hospital’s general management
Partners: Direction générale de l’offre de soins (DGOS), Ministère en charge de la Santé

Yantai Shan Hospital
The project

The principal goal of this twinning is to achieve practical professional exchanges aimed at the improvement of quality care and hospital management.

Realizations :
  • practical professional exchanges themed « emergency care – ambulance » in order to improve the measures put in place in Yantai;
  • French doctors participation in a seminar organized in Yantai Shan Hospital (YSH);
  • study trip of four department heads from YSH aiming at understanding the organization cancer care at the CHU of Nantes and the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest;
  • observational internship by a YSH physician  in the orthopedics department  of CHU de Nantes;
  • a pathologist from CHU de Nantes took part in a convention organized by YSH ,  professional exchanges on current practices in anatomical pathology also took place;
  • a delegation of  YSH was welcomed by CHU de Nantes in relation to the construction project of YSH;
  • two physicians from CHU de Nantes participated in a series of events around the 150th anniversary of YSH : inauguration of the YSH museum, Sino-French health fair, international convention of cardiology, visits of oncology and cardiology services and informal exchanges about professional practices, presentation of traditional Chinese medicine in the YSH;
  • study visit of YSH physicians at CHU de Nantes on the  following topics  « mother & child care» and « emergency medicine»;
  • observational internship by 3 YSH physicians at CHU de Nantes in the ophthalmology and radiology departments, and at the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest in the radiotherapy department.